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Transfer Pricing and Intangibles: Current Developments, Relevant Issues and Possible Solutions

Author(s) : Alfred Storck - Raffaele Petruzzi - Univ.-Prof. Dr. DDr.h.c. Michael Lang - Robert Risse -

Transfer Pricing Developments Around the World 2018

Author(s) : Michael lang - Alfred Storck - Raffaele Petruzzi -

Dependent Agents as Permanent Establishments

Author(s) : Michael lang - Pasquale pistone - Josef Schuch - Claus Staringer - Alfred Storck -

Transfer Pricing in a Post-BEPS World

Author(s) : Michael lang - Alfred Storck - Raffaele Petruzzi -

The OECD-Model-Convention and its Update 2014

Author(s) : Michael lang - Pasquale pistone - Josef Schuch - Claus Staringer - Alfred Storck - Alexander Rust -

Tax Rules in Non-Tax Agreements

Author(s) : Michael lang - Pasquale pistone - Josef Schuch - Claus Staringer - Alfred Storck -

Tax Treaty Case Law Around the Globe - 2011

Author(s) : Michael lang - Luc de broe - Pasquale pistone - Josef Schuch - Claus Staringer - Alfred Storck - Peter Essers - Eric C.C.M. Kemmeren - Frans Vanistendael -

International Group Financing and Taxes

Author(s) : Christian Massoner - Alfred - Bir -

Tax Secrecy and Tax Transparency - The Relevance of Confidentiality in Tax Law (Part 2)

Author(s) : Michael lang - Pasquale pistone - Josef Schuch - Claus Staringer - Eleoner Kristoffersson - Alfred Storck (eds.) -

Tax Secrecy and Tax Transparency - The Relevance of Confidentiality in Tax Law (Part 1)

Author(s) : Michael lang - Pasquale pistone - Josef Schuch - Claus Staringer - Eleoner Kristoffersson - Alfred Storck (eds.) -