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Found 6 from your keywords: Author : "Georg Kofler"
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Alternative Dispute Resolution and Tax Disputes

Author(s) : Alexander Rust - Werner Haslehner - Georg Kofler - Timothy Lyons KC - Katerina Pantazatou -

The Implementation and Lasting Effects of the Multilateral Instrument

Author(s) : Michael lang - Pasquale pistone - Josef Schuch - Claus Staringer - Karoline Spies - Alexander Rust - Jeffrey Owens - Georg Kofler -

Tax Treaties and Procedural Law

Author(s) : Georg Kofler et al. -

EU Tax Law and Policy in the 21st Century

Author(s) : Alexander Rust - Werner Haslehner - Georg Kofler -

Human Rights and Taxation in Europe and the World

Author(s) : Pasquale pistone - Miguel Poiares Maduro - Georg Kofler -