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Tax Planning with Offshore Companies and Trusts: The A-Z Guide

"The ultimate guide to legal tax avoidance" - Shelter Offshore Magazine

If you're planning on using an offshore, non-resident company or trust to reduce your UK taxes, there are some tremendous opportunities available.

However, it's not all plain sailing and you definitely need to consider the anti avoidance rules that HMRC have at their disposal to challenge your entitlement to these tax benefits.

This book contains detailed information on how offshore companies and trusts are taxed in 2013/2014 and how (and when) you can use them to reduce your UK taxes. It is updated for the latest anti avoidance rules that apply from April 2013.

What is included in this Book?

Subjects covered include:

Offshore Companies
What benefits there are from using an offshore company
Detailed explanations of how to establish your company as non resident.
A detailed account of how HMRC approaches decisions on the "central management and control" of offshore companies including a review of recent cases in this area and recommendations for you to establish company residence overseas.
The different types of offshore entities and how and when they can be used. This includes a review of UK Ltd companies, IBC's, LLP's, Trusts, Foundations, Bearer Share companies, Protected Cell companies and LLC's.
How and when you are taxed on income of the offshore company...including how these rules have changed from April 2013.
How and when you are taxed on capital gains of the offshore company including details of the latest change from April 2013.
How to use double tax treaties to make maximum use of offshore companies.
The main occasions when UK residents and non UK residents can use offshore companies to reduce UK and overseas taxes.
How to show offshore company income on UK tax returns.
How non UK domiciliaries can take advantage of special rules for using offshore companies.
When and how to establish an offshore holding company.
How to avoid having a UK trade and being taxed on UK profits including UK Permanent Establishment issues.
How the new controlled foreign company (CFC) provisions will apply in 2013/2014.
Whether to trade overseas using a separate company or branch.
Tax planning for UK companies using offshore companies.
How to use a UK company as an agent of an offshore company.
Transferring a UK trade to an offshore company.
EU VAT planning with an offshore structure.
Using an offshore company and trust structure to reduce UK tax.
Information on the new ARPT regime from April 2013.
Offshore company checklist.
Plus lots more...
Offshore Trusts
What tax benefits are available from using an offshore trust.
How to establish an offshore trust outside the scope of UK tax.
Information on the new CGT regime from April 2013.
How offshore life interest trusts are taxed.
When and how to migrate a UK trust offshore.
Exactly how the income tax, CGT and IHT anti avoidance rules apply to offshore trusts ...and when they don't apply.
How to avoid being personally taxed on income and capital gains arising in an offshore trust.
How UK beneficiaries and creators of offshore trusts are taxed on trust distributions
The top tax planning uses for offshore trusts.
When an offshore trust can be used as an income shelter or a capital gain shelter.
Tax treatment where there is a UK "Trust Protector" and how they can be used to safeguard trust assets.
How you can use offshore trusts to benefit your Grandchildren tax efficiently.
How non UK domiciliaries can take advantage of special offshore trust rules.
When you can use offshore trusts to purchase UK and overseas property tax efficiently.
How to extract cash from offshore trusts tax efficiently.
Techniques to "Wash out" capital gains with offshore trusts.
How to use double tax treaties to set up a tax efficient offshore trust structure.
Recent offshore trust Q&A's
...and much more.
Lee Hadnum LLB ACA CTA - Personal Name
07 TAX lee A
07 TAX lee A
WPR Tax Publishing
168 p.; 23 cm