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Tax Design Issues Worldwide

Here’s a practical new book about the issues that tax lawyers often face in dealing with other countries’ tax systems or in confronting tax policy proposals in their own countries. This book discusses current issues in tax design, primarily for corporate income tax, but also dealing with VAT, natural resource taxation, and individual income tax. The contributors, several of them current and former IMF and OECD officials, are primarily tax legal drafting experts that the IMF has been using in its technical assistance projects. You’ll find a detailed description and analysis of such issues as:

- a solution for eliminating the debt bias in the corporate tax system;
- anti-base erosion rules;
- coordinating tax accounting with financial accounting;
- using anti-money laundering measures to enhance tax compliance;
- VAT rules for extractive industries;
- supplemental expenditure tax;
- VAT design for developing countries;
- impact of tax treaties on source country taxation;
- unilateral measures in lieu of treaties; and
- developing countries and exchange of information.

How this will help you
- Find out how to overcome the systemic bias towards debt financing
- Learn about the role tax treaties play in developing economies, how these countries deal with international tax planning, and to what extent exchange of information will help collect revenues
Divided into five parts, you’ll find insightful analysis on income tax, corporate tax, international coordination, value added tax, and anti-money laundering.

Who should read this book? For tax practitioners and consultants, government officials, tax policy makers, corporate tax advisors, and academics, these highly informative and insightful essays shed clear light on today’s key tax design issues, helping you to proceed with greater confidence.
Geerten M.M. Michielse - Personal Name
Victor Thuronyi - Personal Name
29 TAX gee
29 TAX gee
Wolters Kluwer Law & Business
The Netherlands
xxi, 299 p.; 24.7 cm