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International Tax Structures in the BEPS Era: An Analysis of Anti-Abuse Measures

Tax planning structures used by some MNEs have become the bane of policymakers nowadays, at the OECD as well as the EU level, since recent statistics revealed public budgets were deprived of billions of euros. Within the context of recent developments in the tax arena, this book examines the anti-abuse measures that already exist in various countries and scrutinizes the effectiveness of these measures in countering aggressive tax structures. This work can be considered complementary to the reports issued or to be issued by the OECD, and to the recent activity at the EU level, as it provides an in-depth analysis of what is already happening in practice in various countries when they encounter abusive tax structures. It also highlights the challenges implicit in the recommended measures in the draft reports issued by the OECD up until 1 May 2015, with some exceptions. The book provides the reader with an analysis of the most common strategies against tax avoidance; the key concepts in international tax structuring, such as the use of permanent establishments and the exploitation of transfer pricing rules; and the intricacies of anti-abuse measures that counter tax structuring schemes used for financing activities and for selected business models, specifically related to supply chain management, IP migration and exploitation, the digital economy and holding companies.
Madalina Cotrut - Personal Name
10 INT mad 1
10 INT mad 1
The Netherlands
xx, 324 p, 23 cm