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Tribunal Practice and Procedure 4th ed

Tribunal Practice and Procedure is the most comprehensive and authoritative guide to the integrated tribunal system created by the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007.

It provides a structured approach to the practice and procedure of tribunals, setting the rules of procedure in context and providing a framework for understanding and analysing the practices that apply to them.

This book is a remarkable achievement and is thoroughly recommended for those who sit on, appear before, or otherwise have to consider the work of tribunals. Senior Immigration Judge in the Upper Tribunal

This is highly recommended reading for anyone preparing cases for or representing at any tribunal under the new integrated system.

The tribunal system has, for now, attained a steady state though the matters over which it has jurisdiction continue to expand, especially in the General Regulatory Chamber of the First-tier Tribunal and the Administrative Appeals Chamber of the Upper Tribunal. The judicial review work of the Immigration and Asylum Chamber of the Upper Tribunal has now established its position in place of the Administrative Courtfor that jurisdiction.

As well as dealing with the rules of procedure, this book contains practical advice for tribunal members and those who appear before them. For parties and their representatives, it deals with obtaining and assessing evidence, writing decisions, applying for adjournments, techniques of questioning and tribunal advocacy.

This is essential reading for tribunal judges and panel members, representatives and anyone who appears before the tribunal or is interested in how they work.

Edward Jacobs - Personal Name
11 TRI edw
11 TRI edw
Legal Action Group
lxxxvii, 709 24.5cm