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Financial Instruments as per Ind AS (Accounting, Reporting, Presentation & Disclosures) 2nd Edition
Financial instrument is probably the most complex topic in the entire literature of accounting standards. This book covers all the relevant standards that deal with financial instruments viz., Ind AS 32, 109, 107, 113 and 21. India never had any formal accounting standards on financial instruments till the introduction of Ind AS. Since India is first amongst the several geographical locations implementing the accounting standard covering financial instruments, we don’t have any precedence for guidance on several of the new concepts that are introduced by IFRS 9 which are imported verbatim into Ind AS 109. The key concepts of the accounting standard are discussed along with several illustrations to elucidate and amplify the topic for better understanding. The book gives a complete set of journal entries along with the ledger accounts, trial balance, profit and loss account and balance sheet so as to provide a good understanding of the topic covered. Financial instruments from the perspective of investor as well as the issuer is covered in this book.
CA R. venkata Subramani - Personal Name
2nd ed
42 FIN car
42 FIN car
Wolters kluwer
xxxix, 913 p; 24 cm