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A Practical Guide to Prevention, Detection & Investigation of Corporate Frauds

The book ‘Prevention, Detection and Investigation of Corporate Frauds – A Policy Framework’ examines each stage of the ‘corporate fraud risk management process’ and serves as an indispensable guide to corporate executives in dealing with frauds.

This handy reference book enables the reader to detect and identify the minutes revenue loss to a company and put in place procedures to deal with it analyse the problem and simplify legal terms and concepts in dealing with corporate frauds agitate and generate detailed corporate policies plan coherently, construct and evaluate processes within the extant legal framework relevant to the companies through the scrutiny of new legislationhelp raise the confidence of the shareholders and other stakeholders in the management’s ability to cope with the Fraud Risk Mitigation.

The general regulatory framework and The Companies Act, 2013 in particular have undergone a sea change in the recent past. This requires the corporate entities to have a relook at the legal responsibilities and also the criminal liabilities of different functionaries and Key Managerial Persons. The book provides a valuable insight into corporate bodies and their functionaries to understand their position vis a vis various enforcement agencies.

This book will help the corporate entities to establish their own mechanism for Vigilance and anti- Corruption activities, evolve procedures on Due Diligence, Whistle-blower Policy and Policy on Sexual Harassment of Women at Work-place as well as formulate Standard Operating Procedures to comply with legal requirements of law enforcement agencies and promote good governance. Besides the brief history of Corporate Frauds in India, the book also offers insight into recent frauds investigated by the authors

Avinash Mokashi - Personal Name
Chintal Mokashi - Personal Name
Jayant Umranikar - Personal Name
41 PRA jay
41 PRA jay
Wolters Kluwer India PVt. LTd
xxxi, 292 p, 24.6 cm