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Taxation in Ghana: A Fiscal Policy Tool for Development 75 Years Research

The first edition of this book-Taxation in Ghana: A Fiscal Policy Tool for Development- is the product of considerable tax research from 1943 to 2018, spanning a period of 75 years and grounded in knowledge and concepts; as well as, applications through an extended period of tax practice, teaching and learning; combined with international exposure. A lot of insights have been illuminated based on lessons learned and drawn from other countries, including the United States of America to enrich the contents. Against the backdrop of the dynamic nature of taxation and fiscal policy. Most of the existing taxation books in Ghana focused on tax practice. So, the purpose of this book is to bridge the taxation scholarship gap. In addition to traditionally-treated topics in most taxation books in Ghana, the novelty in this book is the inclusion of important topics on tax planning, tax reforms, and tax administration, and many more. As a result, specific recommendations have been proffered for the consideration of policy makers in developing countries.
Dr. George Appiah-Sokye - Personal Name
31 TAX geo
31 TAX geo
United States of America
830p; 25cm