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A Handbook for Measuring the Costs and Quality of Access to Justice
This handbook offers practical information on the use of a methodology for measuring the cost and quality of paths to justice, from the perspective of users. How do clients of justice systems like the way in which their needs and concerns are voiced? Do they feel they received sufficient information about the procedure? Do they think the outcome was fair and did it help to solve their problem? Do they think the procedure was a value for their money? How much time did they spend? This methodology provides answers to such questions so that citizens using the justice system can voice their needs and providers of justice services can improve their processes.
Martin Gramatikov - Personal Name
Maurits Barendrecht - Personal Name
Malini Laxminarayan - Personal Name
Jin Ho Verdonschot - Personal Name
Laura Klaming - Personal Name
Corry van Zeeland - Personal Name
Maurits Barendrecht - Personal Name
Malini Laxminarayan - Personal Name
Jin Ho Verdonschot - Personal Name
Laura Klaming - Personal Name
Corry van Zeeland - Personal Name
11 HAN mar
11 HAN mar
Maklu & Tilburg Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Civil Law and Conflict
The Netherlands
94p.; 25.5cm