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The Psychology of the Supreme Court

With the media spotlight on the recent developments concerning the Supreme Court, more and more people have become increasingly interested in the highest court in the land. Who are the justices that run it and how do they make their decisions? The Psychology of the Supreme Court examines the psychology of Supreme Court decision-making. The book seeks to help us understand all aspects of the Supreme Court's functioning from a psychological perspective. It addresses factors of influence, including the background of the justices, how they are nominated and appointed, the role of their law clerks, the power of the Chief Justice, and day-to-day life in the Court. The author uses psychological concepts and research findings from the social sciences to examine the steps of the decision-making process, as well as the ways in which the justices seek to remain collegial in the face of conflict, and the degree of predictability in their votes.
Lawrence S. Wrightsman - Personal Name
11 PSY law
11 PSY law
Oxford university press
United kingdom
xi, 312p.; 25.5cm