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Intermediate Accounting IFRS, 4th Edition Book 1

This important work provides the tools global accounting students need to understand international financial reporting standards (IFRS) and how they are applied in practice. This text emphasizes fair value, proper accounting for financial instruments, and new developments in international accounting. By presenting IFRS in light of current accounting practice, this book helps students gain practical knowledge of the topic that they can apply as they advance into their global accounting careers.

With this revised and updated Fourth Edition, students will develop a firm conceptual understanding of IFRS, as well as the ability to integrate their learning through practical exercises. Throughout this text, Global Accounting Insights highlight the important differences that remain between IFRS and U.S. GAAP, discussing the ongoing joint convergence efforts to resolve them. Comprehensive, up-to-date, and accurate, Intermediate Accounting IFRS includes proven pedagogical tools designed to help students learn more effectively.
Donald E. Kieso - Personal Name
Jerry J. Weygandt - Personal Name
Terry D. Warfield - Personal Name
01 INT don 3
01 INT don 3
John wiley & sons
United States of America
various pages; 25.5cm