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10 Excellent Reasons Not to Hate Taxes

Paying taxes. It's something almost everyone loves to hate. 10 Excellent Reasons Not to Hate Taxes makes the case for thinking about taxes in a fresh and progressive way and offers plenty of material for anyone interested in countering the conservative anti-government, anti-tax agenda.rnrnWritten by activists, economists, teachers, political scientists, and businesspeople, 10 Excellent Reasons Not to Hate Taxes offers an array of powerful arguments that will reframe the tax debate. Chapters on the effect of taxes on the economy, education, the environment, and the distribution of opportunity will arm readers with a wealth of arguments to turn the tables when thinking—or arguing—about taxes and provide a menu of ideas for how to transform the tax code into a tool for social justice.rnrnThis book will spark a lively and much-needed debate about all manner of tax issues, from the inheritance tax and flat taxes to tax cuts and the role that taxes play in the growing economic divide in the United States.
Stephanie Greenwood - Personal Name
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The New Press
New York
iv, 155 p.; 16.5 cm