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Found 22 from your keywords: Subject : "Taxation of Natural Resources & Environment"
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Pengelolaan Hulu Migas di Sejumlah Negara Penghasil Migas

Author(s) : Brigita P. Manohara - Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana, S.H., M.H. -

Optimalisasi Regulasi dan Institusi dalam Pengeloaan Hulu Migas untuk Kesejahteraan Rakyat

Author(s) : Brigita P. Manohara - Dr. Tri Hayati, S.H., M.H. -

Tax Law and The Environment : A Multidisciplinary and Worldwide Perspective

Author(s) : Roberta F. Mann - Tracey M. Roberts -

Land Value Taxation

Author(s) : William J. McCluskey - Riel C.D. Franzsen -

International Taxation and the Extractive Industries

Author(s) : Philip Daniel - Michael Keen - Artur Świstak - Victor Turonyi -

Energy Taxation, Environmental Protection and State Aids

Author(s) : Pasquale pistone - Marta Villar Ezcurra -

Tax Implications of Natural Disasters and Pollution

Author(s) : Massimo Basilavecchia - Lorenzo del Federico - Pietro Mastellone -

Oil and Gas Law in a Nut Shell

Author(s) : John S. Lowe -

The Taxation of Petroleum and Minerals: Principles, Problems and Practice

Author(s) : Philip Daniel - Michael Keen - Charles McPherson -

Income Taxation Natural Resources

Author(s) : The partners of KPMG peat marwick LLP -

Hukum Pertambangan di Indonesia

Author(s) : H. Salim HS., S.H., M.S. -

Fuel Taxes and the Poor

Author(s) : Thomas Sterner -

A to Z Bisnis Hulu MIGAS

Author(s) : A Rinto Pudyantoro -

Income Taxation Natural Resources

Author(s) : The partners of KPMG LLP -

Oil and Gas Industry : Audit Technique Guide

Author(s) : Internal Revenue Service -
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