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Perjalanan 8 Tahun Advokasi Hakim

Author(s) : Festy Rahma Hidayati -

Potret Penegakan Etika dan Hukum di Masa Pandemi

Author(s) : Festy Rahma Hidayati - Miko Ginting -

Anti-Corruption Courts in Indonesia after 2009

Author(s) : Arsil - Astriyani - Muhammad Tanziel Aziezi - Dian Rositawati -

The Supreme Court Practice & Procedure

Author(s) : R. Ventkataramani -

The Economics of Court and Litigation

Author(s) : Francisco Cabrillo -

Intertax: Volume 50, Issues 11, November 2022

Author(s) : Ana Paula Dourado -
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