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Anomalies in Law & Justice: Writings Related to Law & Justice

Author(s) : Justice R. V. Raveendran -

Justice for Judges: The Bitter Experiences

Author(s) : V.P. Srivastav -

Right to Speedy Trial: Indian Judiciary and Justice Delivery System

Author(s) : Ahsan Rashid Nur Md Abdullah Ahmad Majumdar -

Judging the Judges

Author(s) : K. Mahesh - Bishwajit Bhattacharyya -

Proses Penyelesaian Sengketa Pajak di Indonesia

Author(s) : Dr. H. Agus Kasiyanto, S.H., M.H., CLA., CPL., CPCLE., CTL., CRA., CPHR. -

Hukum Acara Peradilan Elektronik pada Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara

Author(s) : Muhammad Adiguna Bimasakti -

Kedudukan Pengadilan Pajak dalam Sistem Peradilan di Indonesia

Author(s) : Dr. Ismail Rumadan, M.H. -

Pusaka Penuntun Seleksi Calon Hakim

Author(s) : Idik Saeful Bahri, S.H., M.H. -

Building Global International Tax Law

Author(s) : Pasquale pistone -

Courts and Power in Latin America and Africa

Author(s) : Siri Gloppen - Bruce M. Wilson - Roberto Gargarella - Elin Skaar - Morten Kinander -

Furthering Judicial Education: Proceedings of the Conference of Judicial Schools in Latin America

Author(s) : Waleed HIider Malik - Carlos Esteban Larios-Ochaita -
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