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The Philosophy of Taxing and Public Finance

Author(s) : Robert W. McGee -

U.S. International Tax Planning and Policy

Author(s) : Samuel C. Thompson, Jr -

Tax Planning for Malaysian Employees

Author(s) : Choong kwai fatt -

Tax Planning on Business Income

Author(s) : Choong kwai fatt -

Tax Procedure and Tax Fraud in a Nutshell

Author(s) : Camilla E. Watson -

Tax Reform in Indonesia

Author(s) : J.S. Uppal -

Tax Systems and Tax Reforms in Latin America

Author(s) : Paola Profeta - Luigi Bernardi - Alberto Bareeix - Anna Marenzi -

Tax Systems and Tax Reforms in South and East Asia

Author(s) : Luigi Bernardi - Angela Fraschini - Parthasarathi Shome -

Tax Treatment of Interest for Corporations

Author(s) : Dennis weber - Otto Marres -

Modul Pelatihan Transfer Pricing: Jakarta, Juli 1993, Kantor Pusat Dirjen Pajak

Author(s) : Departemen kuangan RI. Direktorat Jendral Pajak -
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