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Taxation a Fieldwork Research Handbook

Author(s) : Lynne Oats -

Taxation and Gender Equity

Author(s) : Caren Grown - Imraan Valodia -

Taxation in Developing Countries

Author(s) : Roger H. Gordon -

Taxation and the Financial Crisis

Author(s) : Julian S. Alworth - Giampaolo Arachi -

Taxation of Corporate Groups

Author(s) : Miguel Correia -

Taxation of Cross-Border Services

Author(s) : Radhakishan Rawal -

Taxation of Financial Intermediation

Author(s) : Patrick Honohan -

Taxing Capital Income

Author(s) : C. Eugene Steuerle - Henry J. Aaron - Leonard E. Burman -

Taxing the Hard-to-Tax - Lessons from Theory and Practice

Author(s) : Jorge Martinez-Vazquez - James Alm - Sally Wallace -

Taxpayer Protection in the European Union

Author(s) : Dirk Albregtse - Henk van arendonk -

Taxpayers' Rights in South Africa

Author(s) : Beric Croome -

Menguak Teori Hukum dan Teori Peradilan

Author(s) : Achmad Ali -

Terminologi Hukum (Inggris - Indonesia)

Author(s) : I.P.M. Ranuhandoko B.A. -

The Artful Tax Dodgers

Author(s) : John W O\'Sullivan -

The British Tax-Payers Rights

Author(s) : Herbert Lloyd Reid -
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