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Deregulasi & Debirokratisasi Perizinan Di Indonesia

Author(s) : Irfan Ridwan Maksum - Eko Prasojo - Epakartika - Teguh Kurniawan -

State Reform in Indonesia

Author(s) : Eko Prasojo - Teguh Kurniawan - Defny Holidin -

Hukum Administrasi Negara

Author(s) : Safri Nugraha - Anna Erliyana - Sri Mamudji - Tri Hayati - Harsanto Nursadi - Eka Sri Sunarti - Dian Puji N Simatupang -

Kejahatan Di Bidang Perpajakan

Author(s) : Muhammad Djafar Saidi - Eka Merdekawati Djafar -

Mergers & Acquisitions : Asian Taxation Guide 2010

Author(s) : PricewaterhouseCoopers -

International Group Financing and Taxes

Author(s) : Christian Massoner - Alfred - Bir -

Limits to Tax Planning

Author(s) : Karin Simader - Elisabeth Titz -

Tax Secrecy and Tax Transparency - The Relevance of Confidentiality in Tax Law (Part 2)

Author(s) : Michael lang - Pasquale pistone - Josef Schuch - Claus Staringer - Eleoner Kristoffersson - Alfred Storck (eds.) -

Tax Secrecy and Tax Transparency - The Relevance of Confidentiality in Tax Law (Part 1)

Author(s) : Michael lang - Pasquale pistone - Josef Schuch - Claus Staringer - Eleoner Kristoffersson - Alfred Storck (eds.) -

Contemporary Tax Practice : Research, Planning and Strategies

Author(s) : John O. Everett - Cherie henning - Nancy Nichols -

Hukum Perdagangan Internasional

Author(s) : Muhammad Sood -
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