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Indonesian Tax Review: Cerdas Mengupas dan Independen

Author(s) : Andri Kurnaedi Hidayat -

Indonesian Tax Review: Cerdas Mengupas dan Independen

Author(s) : Andri Kurnaedi Hidayat -

Indonesian Tax Review: Cerdas Mengupas dan Independen

Author(s) : Andri Kurnaedi Hidayat -


Author(s) : Eva Eberhartinger -

WTO and Tax Policy

Author(s) : Wolfgang Schon -

The EU: Legal and Institutional Framework

Author(s) : Bernhard Schima -

Principles of European Tax Law

Author(s) : Michel Aujean -

Abuse of Tax Treaties

Author(s) : LLM International Tax Law -

Principles of International Tax Planning

Author(s) : LLM International Tax Law -

Limits to Tax Planning from a Perspective of EU-Law

Author(s) : LLM International Tax Law -

The Negotiation of Tax Treaties

Author(s) : Daniel Luthi - Jacques Sasseville -

Comparative CFC Rules

Author(s) : Reuven Avi-Yonah -

Comparative Tax Law

Author(s) : Geerten M. M. Michielse -
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