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The Global Expansion of Judicial Power

Author(s) : C. Neal Tate - Torbjorn Vallinder -

Comparative Judicial Politics

Author(s) : Mary L. Volcansek -

The Courts and the People: Friend or Foe?

Author(s) : D.J. Galligan -

Checking the Courts: Law, Ideology, and Contingent Discretion

Author(s) : Kirk A. Randazzo - Richard W. Waterman -

The Psychology of the Supreme Court

Author(s) : Lawrence S. Wrightsman -

Empirical Theories About Courts

Author(s) : Keith O. Boyum - Lynn Mather - Christina L. Boyd -

Judicial Accountability

Author(s) : Kairaj Mishra -

The Psychology of Judicial Decision Making

Author(s) : David E. Klein - Gregory Mitchell -

Judges Aren’t Sexy: Engaging and Educating Voters in a Crowded World

Author(s) : Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System -

European Judicial Systems: Efficiency and Quality of Justice

Author(s) : European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice, Council of Europe -

A Handbook for Measuring the Costs and Quality of Access to Justice

Author(s) : Martin Gramatikov - Maurits Barendrecht - Malini Laxminarayan - Jin Ho Verdonschot - Laura Klaming - Corry van Zeeland -

The Tax Tribunals: The Next 10 Years

Author(s) : Michael Blackwell -
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