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Curbing the Court: Why the Public Constrains Judicial Independence

Author(s) : Brandon L. Bartels - Christopher D. Johnston -

Courts and Comparative Law

Author(s) : Mads Andenas - Duncan Fairgrieve -

Antara Komisi Yudisial dan Dewan Yudisial

Author(s) : Prof. Dr. Aidul Fitriciada Azhari, S.H., M.Hum. -

Bulletin for International Taxation Vol. 76 No. 6 - 2022

Author(s) : Michael lang - Brian J. Arnold - Richard J. Vann -

The Integrity of the Judge: A Philosophical Inquiry

Author(s) : Jonathan Soeharno -

Penemuan Hukum: Sistem, Metode, Aliran, dan Prosedur dalam Menemukan Hukum

Author(s) : Prof. Dr. Drs. Abintoro Prakoso, SH., M.S. -

Logika Hukum dalam Penalaran Hukum

Author(s) : DR(HC) Pdt. A. Ridwan Halim, S.H., S.Th., M.H. -

Hermeneutik Hukum: Perenungan Pemikiran Hans-Georg Gadamer

Author(s) : Dr. Muhammad Ilham Hermawan, S.H., M.H. -

Fundamentals of Transfer Pricing: Industries, Regions, New Technologies, and Other Topics

Author(s) : Michael lang - Raffaele Petruzzi - Giammarco Cottani -

Professional Emotions in Court: A Sociological Perspective

Author(s) : Stina Bergman Blix - Åsa Wettergren -

Litigation Interest and Risk Assessment: Help Your Clients Make Good Litigation Decisions

Author(s) : Michaela Keet - Heather Dianne Heavin - John Lande -

Taxing Crime: A Whole-of-Government Approach to Fighting Corruption, Money Laundering, and Tax Crimes

Author(s) : Jeffrey Owens - Jean-Pierre Brun - Ana Cebreiro Gomez - Rita Julien - Joy Waruguru Ndubai - Siddhesh Rao - Yara Esquivel Soto -
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