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Logika & Argumentasi Hukum

Author(s) : Dr. Dyah Ochtorina Susanti, S.H., M.Hum. - Dr. A’an Efendi, S.H., M.H -

Dasar-dasar Logika: Sebuah Intisari Metode Berpikir Logis dan Kritis

Author(s) : Nanang Martono - Dalhar Shodiq -

Teknik Berargumentasi: Berpikir sebagai Kecakapan Hidup

Author(s) : Donny Gahral Adian - Herdito Sandi Pratama -

Seni Memenangkan Debat

Author(s) : Md.Ghanoe -

Logika Hukum

Author(s) : Fajlurrahman Jurdi -

Argumentasi dan Narasi

Author(s) : Gorys Keraf -

The Art of Logical Thinking

Author(s) : William Atkinson -

Hukum dan Logika: Hans Kelsen Essays In Legal And Moral Philosophy

Author(s) : Prof. Dr. B. Arief Sidharta -

Tax Justice and Global Inequality: Practical Solutions to Protect Developing Country Revenues (International Studies in Poverty Research)

Author(s) : Thomas Pogge - Krishen Mehta - Esther Shubert - Erika Dayle Siu - Juliana Martínez Franzoni -

Taxpayer Safeguards and the Rule of Law

Author(s) : Robin Williamson -

Tax and Financial Planning for the Closely Held Family Business

Author(s) : Gary A. Zwick - James J. Jurinski -

Co-operative Compliance: A Multi-stakeholder and Sustainable Approach to Taxation

Author(s) : Jeffrey Owens - Jonathan Leigh Pemberton -

The Future of the Profit Split Method

Author(s) : Guglielmo Maisto - Robert Danon - Vikram Chand - Gabriella Cappelleri -
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