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Teori Hukum Pembuktian Pidana & Perdata

Author(s) : Dr. Munir Fuady, S.H., M.H., LL.M -

Teori & Hukum Pembuktian

Author(s) : Eddy O.S. Hiariej -

Hukum Pembuktian

Author(s) : Prof.R.Subekti,S.H. -

Dinamika Hukum Pembuktian dalam Capaian Keadilan

Author(s) : Prof. Dr. Syaiful Bakhri, S.H., M.H. -

Hukum Perikatan

Author(s) : I Ketut Oka Setiawan -

A Practical Guide to Prevention, Detection & Investigation of Corporate Frauds

Author(s) : Avinash Mokashi - Chintal Mokashi - Jayant Umranikar -

The Law of Evidence - 27th Edition

Author(s) : Ratanlal - Dhirajlal -

Loophole Games - A Treatise on Tax Avoidance

Author(s) : Smarak Swain -

GAAR - A Comprehensive Reference Manual

Author(s) : Nilesh Patel -
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