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Sukma Hukum: Keadilan Berhati Nurani

Author(s) : Dr. Sigit Sapto Nugroho, S.H., M.Hum -

Kode Etik dan Pedoman Perilaku Aparatur Peradilan

Author(s) : Dr. H. Ahmad Syahrus Sikti, S.HI, M.H. -

Judicial Decision-Making: Integrating Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives

Author(s) : Piotr Bystranowski - Bartosz Janik - Maciej Prochnicki -

High Courts in Global Perspective: Evidence, Methodologies, and Findings

Author(s) : Nuno Garoupa - Rebecca D. Gill - Lydia B. Tiede -

Judicial Writing: A Benchmark for the Bench

Author(s) : Chinua Asuzu -

Law and Legitimacy in the Supreme Court

Author(s) : Richard H. Fallon -

Menyongsong dan Tunaikan Tugas Negara Sampai Akhir: Sebuah Memoar

Author(s) : H. Adi Andojo Soetjipto, S.H. -

The Federal Court of Appeal and the Federal Court: 50 Years of History

Author(s) : Martine Valois - Ian Greene - Craig Forcese - Peter McCormick -

Comparative Tax Law, Second Edition

Author(s) : Victor Thuronyi - Kim Brooks - Borbala Kolozs -

The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Administrative Law

Author(s) : Peter Cane - Herwig C. H. Hofmann - Eric C. Ip - Peter L. Lindseth -

The Anatomy of Administrative Law

Author(s) : Joanna Bell -
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