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Found 18 from your keywords: Subject : "Permanent Establishment"
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Dependent Agents as Permanent Establishments

Author(s) : Michael lang - Pasquale pistone - Josef Schuch - Claus Staringer - Alfred Storck -

How Fixed is a Permanent Establishment?

Author(s) : Jean Schaffner -

Fundamentals of Permanent Establishments

Author(s) : Robert L. Williams -

Permanent Establishments: A Planning Primer

Author(s) : John Huston - Lee Williams -

Permanent Establishments : A Domestic Taxation, Bilateral Tax Treaty and OECD Perspective

Author(s) : Ekkehart Reimer - Nathalie urban - Stefan schmid -

Permanent Establishments in Intenational and EU Tax Law

Author(s) : Florian brugger - Patrick Plansky -