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Found 26 from your keywords: Subject : "Tax Reform"
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Corporate Income Taxes under Pressure: Why Reform Is Needed and How It Could Be Designed

Author(s) : Ruud A. de Mooij - Alexander D. Klemm - Victoria J. Perry -

Tax Reform in Developing Countries

Author(s) : Malcom Gillis -

Strengthening Domestic Resource Mobilization: Moving from Theory to Practice in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (Directions in Development)

Author(s) : Rajul awasthi - Blanca Moreno-Dodson - Raul Felix Junquera-Varela - Marijn Verhoeven - Gangadhar P. Shukla - Bernard Haven -

Removing Tax Barriers to China's Belt and Road Initiative

Author(s) : Michael lang - Jeffrey Owens -

Prospek dan Faktor Penentu Reformasi Perpajakan

Author(s) : Radius Prawiro, et. al. -

Comprehensive Tax Reform The Colombian Experience

Author(s) : Parthasarathi Shome -

Fundamental Tax Reform: Issues, Choices, and Implications

Author(s) : John W. Diamond - George R. Zodrow -

Tax Reforms in India: 1991 - 2013

Author(s) : Vaneeta Rani -

Fundamental Tax Reform: Issues, Choices, and Implications

Author(s) : John W. Diamond - George R. Zodrow -

The Challenges of Tax Reform in a Global Economy

Author(s) : Jorge Martinez-Vazquez - James Alm - Mark Rider -

Tax Systems and Tax Reforms in South and East Asia

Author(s) : Luigi Bernardi - Angela Fraschini - Parthasarathi Shome -

Tax Systems and Tax Reforms in Latin America

Author(s) : Paola Profeta - Luigi Bernardi - Alberto Bareeix - Anna Marenzi -

Tax Reform in Indonesia

Author(s) : J.S. Uppal -
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