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Transfer Pricing Answer Book 2012

Author(s) : David B. Blair -

The Tax Treatment of Transfer Pricing

Author(s) : International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation -

Transfer Pricing Handbook: Guidance for the OECD Regulations

Author(s) : Robert feinschreiber - Margaret Kent -

Transfer Pricing: Ide, Strategi, dan Panduan Praktis dalam Perspektif Pajak Internasional

Author(s) : Darussalam - Danny Septriadi - B. Bawono Kristiaji -

Transfer Pricing and Intra-Group Financing

Author(s) : Anuschka Bakker - Marc M. Levey -

Transfer Pricing Audit Aspects

Author(s) : DR. Arun Kumar -

Postgraduate Programme on International Taxation - Transfer Pricing Course 2005

Author(s) : Prof. Hubert Hamaekers - Prof. Huub Bierlaagh -

Transfer Pricing Digest

Author(s) : Arijit Chakravarty - Manoneet Dalal -

Transfer Pricing in Action

Author(s) : Aydin Hayri - Althea Azeff -

Transfer Pricing in Germany: Translation of Important Law and Regulations

Author(s) : Carsten Kratzer - Martin Blesgen -

Transfer Pricing Strategy in a Global Economy

Author(s) : Jill C Pagan - J Scott Wilkie -

The Effect of Treaties on Foreign Direct Investment

Author(s) : Karl P. Sauvant - Lisa E. Sachs -

Upaya Hukum Terkait dengan Pemeriksaan, Penyidikan, dan Penagihan Pajak

Author(s) : Anang Mury Kurniawan, SST, Ak, MSi -
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